As journalists, bloggers, and content producers for the web carefully construct their headlines in order to attract traffic from search engines, CNET reports on the success that they have seen. The reason for the change? “Pithy, witty and provocative headlines–the pride of many an editor–are often useless and even counterproductive in getting the Web page… Continue reading Rethinking Headlines: How SEO is Changing the Balance of Media
Category: marketing
The Power of Influencers Online
An interesting article on developing a dialogue with influencers online. “Influencers [are] active, engaged members of local communities. They’ve always existed—opinion makers and opinion leaders. What’s different now? Today they have a much bigger bullhorn available to them—it’s called the Web. Where they once talked to 100 people in a month, they can now reach… Continue reading The Power of Influencers Online
Viral Markeing and Word-of-Mouth Marketing to be Policed
The Washington Post reports on new guidelines around the hottest buzzword of the decade, “word-of-mouth-marketing.” “The Federal Trade Commission yesterday said that companies engaging in word-of-mouth marketing, in which people are compensated to promote products to their peers, must disclose those relationships.” This would have a sweeping affect across the marketing world, and would try… Continue reading Viral Markeing and Word-of-Mouth Marketing to be Policed
Social Media Turning into Commercial Media
Scott Karp discusses how online communities may be gamed by some, in order to unlock their traffic driving potential: “…we just need to remember how quickly “social” can become “commercial” and managing the “community” can become managing the “marketplace.”
Blogging Code of Ethics
Due to some recent new around fake blogs – such as the one setup for Wal*Mart by Edelman PR – some are working on creating a code of ethics for blogging. Michael Arrington discusses the issue: “Mainstream media defines journalistic integrity as a lack of financial interest in the subject matter of their reporting. I… Continue reading Blogging Code of Ethics
Niche Publishing Success: Information & Relationships
Marketwatch reports on the progress that magazines have made in their viewpoints on the value of the web: “Publishers now routinely brag to me about how much their sites are being budgeted to contribute to the bottom line — one leading magazine executive was bursting with pride when he told me that his site will… Continue reading Niche Publishing Success: Information & Relationships
Citizen Journalism: What is Working and What Isn’t
Jay Rosen looks at en experimental online newspaper, and talks about what works and what doesn’t: “A web-to-print, highly-interactive, low barrier to entry, read-write, everyone-contributes newspaper is still a daily production headache. Articles, photos, headlines, and ads have to come together. Unedited, the site would have almost no value, although it can have unedited parts… Continue reading Citizen Journalism: What is Working and What Isn’t
Customer Engagement Key to Online Success
The Washington Post profiles a new kind of ad-agency that: “…has nothing invested in any particular solution and nothing to gain by telling its clients to spend more rather than less, its pitch is that it can offer the least-biased, most-cost-effective solutions. The message resonates with companies dissatisfied by the payoff from traditional advertising.” Their… Continue reading Customer Engagement Key to Online Success
NY Times Markets its Journalism
The NY Times will begin a new marketing campaign that focuses on the quality of their journalism. Vanity Fair columnist Michael Wolff had this response:”A branding campaign for The New York Times seems like an odd thing to me,” he said. “They essentially have a branding campaign that arrives every day — the paper, the… Continue reading NY Times Markets its Journalism
Media & Marketing
Publishing 2.0 looks at the convergence of media and marketing: “It used to be that media was strictly a delivery mechanism. Now that media is becoming a two-way, participatory, community-driven 2.0 entity (MySpace, YouTube, blogs, etc.), media companies can do more than just deliver messages — they can create services across the entire marketing services… Continue reading Media & Marketing