Multimedia Tips: Dealing With Digital Audio File Formats

By Peter Welander, Control Engineering process industries editor While working through the process of recording and editing podcasts, one of the most confusing topics has been that of understanding digital recording formats. I’m an analog kind of guy, and working with digital recorders and computer editing has been an eye opening experience. I’d like to… Continue reading Multimedia Tips: Dealing With Digital Audio File Formats

Categorized as podcasting

Multimedia Tips: Recording Audio Off the Phone

Guest column by Peter Welander, Control Engineering process industries editor. This column is intended to help provide technical advice for editors with the hopes of creating improved audio quality in podcasts, videos, and other online products. Please send your questions. Since it isn’t always convenient to record a podcast face-to-face, sometimes we have to depend… Continue reading Multimedia Tips: Recording Audio Off the Phone

Lessons From Facebook

Several weeks back, I wrote about how Facebook changed my life, and how it can change your industry. A recent discovery has me taking another look at how Facebook can connect people. I want to share the story of what a high school class from 1988 is doing to leverage Facebook, and explore the lessons… Continue reading Lessons From Facebook