Are You Growing Your Skillset, or Becoming a Cog in a Machine?

I’ve been reading about how companies such as Demand Media,, and Suite101 – those “content farms” – train their contributors on writing and web skills. These companies put a strong focus on creating efficient systems to organize a large group of people to do specific tasks. “Early on we decided there would be four… Continue reading Are You Growing Your Skillset, or Becoming a Cog in a Machine?

Editorial ROI: Maximizing Performance With Few Resources

Today, I want to discuss how an editor or content creator can use some really basic web analytics to improve the performance of their products and deliver higher return-on-investment for their efforts. The chart above is a pretty typical example of a "long tail" graph. I made up the numbers above, but let’s consider that… Continue reading Editorial ROI: Maximizing Performance With Few Resources

A Coordinated Effort: Serving Needs, Creating Revenue

In the past few weeks, I have been talking about product development in B2B media and publishing. First, we looked at how to put customer needs first, and then at revenue streams that publishers have at their disposal. Today, I want to extend this discussion by looking at how editorial, sales, and advertisers can coordinate… Continue reading A Coordinated Effort: Serving Needs, Creating Revenue

Careers in Recession:
10 Ways Media Professionals Can Help Their Careers

The economic downshift has been tough on businesses, tough on jobs, tough on publishing & media, and tough on the advertisers, business partners and customers who support publishing and media. It is clear that no business or individual is safe from the affects. Many folks I speak to show a great concern about their business… Continue reading Careers in Recession:
10 Ways Media Professionals Can Help Their Careers

The ROI of Journalists and Magazines Using Twitter

Here at Reed Business Information, many brands and editors have drank the Twitter Kool-Aid. Now we have to figure out something important: Is this worth our time and effort? Journalists, marketers and other folks at RBI are incredibly busy people. If they are using Twitter, what is the return on investment for their time and… Continue reading The ROI of Journalists and Magazines Using Twitter

Give and You Will Receive: Finding Solutions Through Collaboration.

New media and the internet have made it essential to break down barriers between your brand and your audience. Today I want to talk about breaking down barriers between employees within the same company, and how this can help your business and career. First, a story about The Clash, who are not quoted nearly enough… Continue reading Give and You Will Receive: Finding Solutions Through Collaboration.

Multimedia Tips: Recording Audio Off the Phone

Guest column by Peter Welander, Control Engineering process industries editor. This column is intended to help provide technical advice for editors with the hopes of creating improved audio quality in podcasts, videos, and other online products. Please send your questions. Since it isn’t always convenient to record a podcast face-to-face, sometimes we have to depend… Continue reading Multimedia Tips: Recording Audio Off the Phone