Control. Compete. Covet. Hoard. Deny. Share. Connect. Embrace. Spread. Assist. Simple choices. Every moment. Of every day.
Month: May 2008
News of the Week 5/27/08
Blogging 2.0: When You No Longer Own the ConversationChanges have "caused serious strain for those living in Blogging 1.0, as they’ve seen their page views fluctuate, and as comments moved to third party sites, be they RSS readers, social networks, Twitter, FriendFeed and others. Those who have embraced the new noise of Twitter and FriendFeed,… Continue reading News of the Week 5/27/08
Meal of the Week!
Breakfast at Balthazar! Eggs benedict, surrounded by famous and beautiful people. Breakfast is my new favorite meal of the day. Along with lunch, dinner, and my other favorite meal: lunch part 2. Who says you can only have 3 meals a day? Balthazar Sarah and I also got to see The Swell Season this week… Continue reading Meal of the Week!
The Value of Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
We all live in bubbles. Bubbles that protect and comfort us. That are filled with familiar people, places and processes. But these same bubbles have another side. That keeps us from exploring. Keeps us from growing. Keeps us from learning that there are other ways. Other people who are foreign… yet brilliant. Other ideas that… Continue reading The Value of Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone
News of the Week 5/16/08
Five Steps to Encourage Readers to Blog on Your Website "A few moments of advance thought can help determine whether a new blogging tool will enable a vibrant community, or open yet another empty forum." Confessions of an Online Journalism Tool "There are a multitude of free (or cheap), powerful tools available to the online… Continue reading News of the Week 5/16/08
Meal of the Week
Hidden beneath three slices of meat, is a burger. Didn’t expect this when I ordered the Hickory Burger at Houston’s, but then, who am I to complain! (not in photo: spinach artichoke dip, and my friends Judie and Elana!)
Help Wanted
The everyday lives of your readers and customers: Going Deciding Buying Teaching Consuming Juggling Worrying Dreaming Learning Waiting Competing Helping Carrying How have you helped today?
News of the Week 5/10/08
Annals of Innovation: In the Air "Insight could be orchestrated: that was the lesson. If someone who knew how to make a filter had a conversation with someone who knew a lot about cancer and with someone who read the medical literature like a physicist, then maybe you could come up with a treatment." How… Continue reading News of the Week 5/10/08
Meal of the Week
I eat this way too often… short grain rice with mushrooms, spinach, garlic, zuccini, scallions and sesame seeds. Mostly organic too!
The Birth of a New Idea
Where do new ideas come from? Ideas that move your business forward. Ideas that take you to your goals. These ideas come from problems. Problems that your customers face everyday. But don’t always know they have. Sure, you need to talk to your customers. And watch your customers. To understand the needs they don’t even… Continue reading The Birth of a New Idea