Blogging 2.0: When You No Longer Own the Conversation
Changes have "caused serious strain for those living in Blogging 1.0, as they’ve seen their page views fluctuate, and as comments moved to third party sites, be they RSS readers, social networks, Twitter, FriendFeed and others. Those who have embraced the new noise of Twitter and FriendFeed, and worries less about where the conversation is taking place, but more about whether it’s taking place at all."
Google Earth Offers Local News Worldwide
Hyperlocal goes global.
5 Emerging Trends in Blogging
"Multiple Author Blogs, Multi-Topic Blogs, Blogs Converging with Other Types of Sites, Portal-Like Design, and Indirect Monetization."
Multimedia Boot Camp for Newspaper Journalists
A look into best practices for adding video and audio to your reporting.
Online Search Ads Faring Better Than Expensive Displays
"While search advertising remains strong, there are signs that the growth in online advertising particularly in more elaborate display ads is slowing down… And online publishers may be getting less money for the ad space they do sell."
The "Atomization of Conversation"
"Conversations are indeed becoming atomized and asynchronous. No need for the "Hey, how are you doing?" discussion. Personal dialog is being replaced by a Mini-feed. "
Twitter: Finding Breaking News Through the Noise
"The news is in the noise. Which is why Twitter is crack for newsmakers. There’s no better place to find noise, er news, than on Twitter."
Magazine Refashions Its Web Presence
At WWD "…the changes are arousing the worries typically heard in a newsroom where newspaper reporters are suddenly required to be multimedia content creators… "People are freaking out."
Consumer Magazine Websites Continue to See Strong Growth in Traffic
"Consumer magazine Web sites averaged 70.7 million unique monthly visitors during the first quarter, according to the Magazine Publishers of America. That is an 11.9% increase over the same period in 2007." to Roll Out Exec Women’s Net
" has announced its second business-oriented social networking platform this month, as the business-leader aimed site said it plans to launch what it’s calling the Executive Women’s Network."
2 Things that Are NOT Changing about the Web and How People Are Using It
Darren Rowse makes the point that, even though some bloggers are being overwhelmed with new online tools… getting the basics right is the core value that creates community and readership.
11 Top Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation
Public speaking tips… always a valuable skill.
An Introduction to the Data Portability Debate
"If Facebook et al want to have long-term viable businesses, they need to keep users because their applications are BETTER. Not because users have no choice but to keep using their applications, given the inability to save a file."
Are Pro Bloggers Going Extinct Soon?
"Blogs that attract a lot of traffic are pumping out a lot of posts so they can appeal to a broad audience. And these posts – regardless of the subject – tend to be content snacks as opposed to be meals."
Introduction to Google Search Quality
"More than one thousand programmer/scientist years have gone directly into [Google’s search ranking] development."
Can a New Advertising Campaign Help Microsoft Beat Apple?
"To chase cool, you’re chasing something that already exists, which means you’re always going to be on the wrong side of it, you’ll always be following."
How to Make Facebook Useful Again
A look at how to make Facebook the hub for your online life.
Guessing the Online Customer’s Next Want
"Barneys New York, the upscale clothing store chain, says it got at least a 10 percent increase in online revenue by using data mining software that finds links between certain online behavior and a greater propensity to buy. Using a system developed by Proclivity Systems, Barneys used data about where and when a customer visited its site and other demographic information to determine on whom it should focus its e-mail messages."
Condé Nast/Wired Acquires Ars Technica
"This is also another lost customer for Federated Media Publishing, which sells advertising for Ars Technica (Digg left Federated Media last year to accept a very lucrative Microsoft deal that will pay out over $100 million over three years). CondéNet will now take over advertising sales."
Court Reporting Live Updates Via Twitter
An interesting example of Twitter being used for live reporting.
Career Tips: How I Stay Organized
"Technology isn’t always the answer to everything, in fact I actually don’t use a digital device as they take too long to input, aren’t always available, are fragile, and there are risks of battery life limitations and data loss, so I use paper."
Why CBS Bought CNET, And Not The Other Way Around
"Whatever the cause, or causes, CNET failed to disrupt the old guard, and will find itself to be a footnote in Internet history rather than the headline it should have been."
The Hyperconnected vs. 84% of Everyone Else on Earth
A white paper "spanning 17 countries – found that 16% of the information workforce is already "Hyperconnected" and that another 36% will be joining us soon."
The Pros and Cons of Social Media Aggregator FriendFeed
Social aggregator FriendFeed is getting a lot of hype, but it is still unclear whether it will find continued success. Robert Scoble looks at the pros and cons of the service.