What If? The Reverse Transition from Digital to Print

Image by Amy Millward While many bemoan the changes that are occurring as our culture moves from print to digital media creation and consumption, I wanted to consider the value of digital media if we were experiencing the opposite transition: What if we were moving from a digital media world to a print media world?… Continue reading What If? The Reverse Transition from Digital to Print

From Print to Web:
Finding Online Performance Success

Not a 2009 Top Restaurant – Gray’s Papaya. I guess my vote didn’t count. Recently I have written a lot about our efforts here at Reed Business Information to increase online performance around print features that are brought online. So far, I have presented three mini case studies: Library Journal’s Salary Survey Feature: 1,200% page… Continue reading From Print to Web:
Finding Online Performance Success

Categorized as print, web

BusinessWeek Integrates Print and Web Teams

More top publications are integrating their print and web editorial teams: “BusinessWeek has joined the crowd, putting one editor in charge of print and online for each of eight major content areas… As part of the changes, a dozen business and editorial staffers will be laid off.” “While coverage is intended to be seamless between… Continue reading BusinessWeek Integrates Print and Web Teams

Is Anyone Reading Those Long Articles in Print?

The New York Times looks at the print vs. web divide among video game magazines and their readers: “Noel Goodman subscribes to three video game magazines, but he wants information faster than the magazines can reach his mailbox. “I can find out on the Internet information that won’t be in magazines for another month…” “Magazine… Continue reading Is Anyone Reading Those Long Articles in Print?

For One Brand: The End of Print… And Web

An interesting print and web shut down: “After nearly 100 years in print, Conde Nast will cease publishing House & Garden with the magazine’s December issue, WWD reported. Unlike previous such closures of print where the site lives on, in this case the site, houseandgarden.com will also be closed.”

Categorized as print, web