This week’s New Yorker magazine has a profile on architect Santiago Calatrava. He discussed some amazing concepts about PURPOSE, which I found fascinating, especially when you consider its relation to publishing, both in print and on the web. I would sum up his philosophy as follows: It’s about the experience, not the artifact. While his… Continue reading Moving Beyond The Memorable, To The Magical
Month: August 2008
Going Back to the Well
I made a mistake this week. Since my wife and I will soon be purchasing a house, we decided to forgo a big vacation this year, and just take a week off to catch up on some projects. For me, there was a lot of reading and organization to get done. But midweek, I realized… Continue reading Going Back to the Well
What a 1940’s Computer Can Teach Us About Online Success
Last week I made a silly purchase. I bought a 60 year old vacuum tube. But really, what I bought, was a story. A story of how to think about technology – how it is changing our lives – and how we should focus our online efforts to ensure we get: All the BENEFITS and… Continue reading What a 1940’s Computer Can Teach Us About Online Success
What The Olympics Can Teach Us About Online Success
Why do we watch the Olympics? What can someone in media and publishing learn from this event to help them succeed in their goals in particular, transitioning an editorial and business model from print to web? My theory:… We watch the Olympics to experience GREATNESS. The Olympics challenge us. It inspires us. These athletes… Continue reading What The Olympics Can Teach Us About Online Success
Zine Culture: From Print to Web
Me in 1994, laying out an issue of my zine. I love magazines. When I was in college, my schoolwork took a backseat to my obsession: Publishing My Own Magazine. Of course, it was called a zine back then, which meant it was an underground, do-it-yourself product, created without commercial success in mind, driven… Continue reading Zine Culture: From Print to Web
Event Coverage: Engaging Readers & Stretching Resources
While the web is quickly changing the landscape for journalists, magazines, and newspapers, it is also a powerful tool to extend event coverage. The web offers incredible opportunities to do the following: Extend your coverage Further engage your industry Maximize your resources What can coverage look like? Feasibly: Multiple articles a day Multiple blog entries… Continue reading Event Coverage: Engaging Readers & Stretching Resources
What Bruce Springsteen Can Teach Us About Online Success
On Monday, I took my brother to see Bruce Springsteen as a way to celebrate his birthday. But truth be told, I had an ulterior motive: I wanted to experience GREATNESS. I am not a huge Bruce fan, I generally like his music as much as the next person, and being from Jersey, take a… Continue reading What Bruce Springsteen Can Teach Us About Online Success