Event Coverage: Engaging Readers & Stretching Resources

While the web is quickly changing the landscape for journalists, magazines, and newspapers, it is also a powerful tool to extend event coverage. The web offers incredible opportunities to do the following: Extend your coverage Further engage your industry Maximize your resources What can coverage look like? Feasibly: Multiple articles a day Multiple blog entries… Continue reading Event Coverage: Engaging Readers & Stretching Resources

Reshaping the Newsroom: The Future of Journalism

Steve Outing reached out to his network of colleagues in the news industry to find out what their biggest problem was: “Everyone’s got work to do to put out the “daily miracle,” but in an era when the old industry model is in decline, we can no longer afford to have a workforce where the… Continue reading Reshaping the Newsroom: The Future of Journalism

MoJo: The Coming of Mobile Journalism

Journalists are finding success with pocket-sized tools that allow them to report on stories from almost anywhere in the world. Reuters is having their reporters experiment with a “mobile journalism toolkit,” which allows reporting in text, audio, video and photos: The Mobile Journalism Toolkit contents, which include a Nokia N95 phone, Nokia SU-8W folding keyboard,… Continue reading MoJo: The Coming of Mobile Journalism

BBC News is Now Multimedia Focused

BBC News has shaken up their operations to better leverage all media: “… today is a very big day for BBC News which has now been re-organised in a fully multimedia fashion… up until today the editorial decisions have been taken separately in three different departments – Radio News, News Interactive and TV News. Now… Continue reading BBC News is Now Multimedia Focused

Categorized as media, news

Facebook Now a Platform for Politics & News

You know how teenagers are always clammoring for new ways to learn about politics and interact with broadcast news teams? Well, Facebook is answering that call: “ABC News and Facebook have formally established a partnership — the site’s first with a news organization — that allows Facebook members to electronically follow ABC reporters, view reports… Continue reading Facebook Now a Platform for Politics & News

Wall Street Journal at 1 Million Online Subscribers

The Wall Street Journal now has over 1 million subscribers to their online content. As talk heats up of them tearing down the pay-wall… you have to wonder how many businesses ponder giving up this kind of paying audience.

The “Institutional Arrogance” of News Media

Tom Curley, CEO of The Associated Press is asking the news media to rethink how they operate: “Curley said in a speech that news organizations should quit thinking like gatekeepers of information and reach out to people who are accustomed to receiving news in real time online and customizing the ways they see and read… Continue reading The “Institutional Arrogance” of News Media

Recap: How Well Did Local Media Server Their Audience

MediaShift gives a recap of how the news media served their audience during the California wildfires. Here is one perspective, from Rebecca Coates Nee, a former broadcaster who teaches online journalism at San Diego State: “I think [the local media] lost sight of their mission, which is to inform the residents, especially those of us… Continue reading Recap: How Well Did Local Media Server Their Audience