Books. We love to shop for them, hold them, display them, talk about them, and occasionally even read them – but what lies in their future? I can’t help but feel that fiction and nonfiction will take two distinct paths. Today, I will be mostly exploring the evolution of nonfiction. The limits of books. Thinking… Continue reading Do Books Have a Future?
Month: March 2007
Will Editors Simply Become “Sifters?”
The Wall Street Journal has an eye-opening interview with Jack Kliger, president-CEO of Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. The chat focused on a couple of the print magazines that recently switched to web-only, including ELLEgirl and Premiere. On the roll of editors in an online world: “First of all, the editorial staffs [from print to web]… Continue reading Will Editors Simply Become “Sifters?”
Digital Savvy Essential for Ad Industry
Nike seems to be looking for a new ad agency who can has a mastery of the digital realm: “No matter how talented an agency’s creative team or how well the client’s management likes the firm’s executives, the agency is of limited value unless it embraces digital media.” I have a feeling this type of… Continue reading Digital Savvy Essential for Ad Industry
MySpace Makes $1 Per Month, Plus $29,999,999.00
Perhaps we are in a Web 2.0 bubble and perhaps social networks are a fad. But someone should tell that to Rupert Murdoch, who seems to be raking in $30 million a month with MySpace.
Ziff Davis: Digital Revenue Up 25%, Print Revenue Down 11%, YOY
Ziff Davis released their fourth quarter results. Lots of interesting data, but all echo this formula: digital revenue up, print revenue down.
InfoWorld Magazine Goes Web Only
PaidContent reports: IDG’s InfoWorld Magazine To Close Down; Focus on Online/Events. Some interesting tid-bits: “There won’t be too many layoffs as most of the team had been working on multiplatform already.” “IDG is doing a smart thing if merely experimenting with the model for how to move entirely online for the rest of the “fleet”.… Continue reading InfoWorld Magazine Goes Web Only
Bloggers vs. Journalists, Round 7
David Lazarus of the San Francisco Chronicle defends the value of journalism in a “we have blogs, who needs journalists” world. “…the simple fact is that newspapers do the digging that most bloggers do not. The blogosphere — a silly term coined by bloggers to legitimize their posturing — is comprised by and large of… Continue reading Bloggers vs. Journalists, Round 7
As Goes the Music Industry, So Goes the World
I am always looking for indications and metaphors for the changes we are experiencing within publishing. Among the questions I focus on: Why are we moving from a print model to a digital model? What is the value of the information that publishing companies produce? What is the role of publishing within each industry? What… Continue reading As Goes the Music Industry, So Goes the World
Cliffs Notes to the State of the News Media 2007 Report
Mark Glaser has a great recap of reactions to the recently released State of the News Media 2007 report. I refuse to do a recap of a recap, so you will have to check it out yourself.
Yawn. The Death of Newspapers.
Have you heard? Newspapers are dead? While that is fun for some people to say, I still get the sense that it is the same old tug-of-war between the “old guard” and the “new guard.” More likely, people simply haven’t come up with a better way to refer how we get news. Tim O’Reilly started… Continue reading Yawn. The Death of Newspapers.