New York Times Reporters: We Are Bloggers Now

Scott Karp reports on blogging going mainstream, with the New York Times live blogging the recent Democrat debate: “The New York Times, “newspaper of record,” now brings you the record within minutes after the event happens. This is truly a sea change, and evidence that the New York Times is indeed changing its editorial standards… Continue reading New York Times Reporters: We Are Bloggers Now

One Newspaper Blends Bloggers & Journalists in Print

One Boston newspaper is looking to local bloggers for content to print in their newspaper. “Mr. Wilpers [editor in chief of BostonNow] said he wanted to compensate bloggers but was still considering the best way to do so. For now, he has come up with rewards packages that include things like press credentials or consulting… Continue reading One Newspaper Blends Bloggers & Journalists in Print

User-Generated Content Takes That Next Huge Step: Payment

Om Malik reports on the evolution of user-generated content: “YouTube is going to start helping some of its indie video content creators make money, starting tomorrow. The company will launch a program that puts the creators of some of the more popular YouTube channels… on the same playing field as large media partners like CBS…… Continue reading User-Generated Content Takes That Next Huge Step: Payment

When Journalists’ Sources Have Direct Access to an Audience

There was a weird exchange between entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, and Wired magazine this week, that was picked up by quite a few blogs. (Read about it here, here, here, and here.) There was one piece of it that I found really interesting: some people feel they don’t need to talk to journalists in a way… Continue reading When Journalists’ Sources Have Direct Access to an Audience

Craig Newmark Sees Blurring of Professional & Citizen Journalism in Future

Craig Newmark, founder of chats about the success of his site, and the state of the online news business. Some excerpts: Q: Is Craigslist a threat to newspapers, as people say? Newmark: Not in a significant way. We do drain some revenue from some papers that rely on ads. But I have spoken to… Continue reading Craig Newmark Sees Blurring of Professional & Citizen Journalism in Future

USA Today Signals The End of One-Way Media

USA Today is reporting more traffic and engagement to their recently relaunched website, which has a strong focus on network journalism and user-generated content. The results so far: Unique visitors to the site were up 21% from the previous month. 380% increase in registrations. Readers are spending more time per visit on the site. Nearly… Continue reading USA Today Signals The End of One-Way Media

I, User. Why Media Execs Are Concerned.

A recent survey of media and entertainment executives indicates that they see “the growing ability and eagerness of individuals to create their own content as one of the biggest threats to their business.” “This is just the beginning for a rapidly changing landscape where the media content environment grows more fractious and the user gains… Continue reading I, User. Why Media Execs Are Concerned.