Discovering the Balance: Social Media and Marketing

Social media on the web is rapidly becoming a huge business. As communities are built all over the Web, marketers are just getting their feet wet in understanding how to leverage social networks to create targeted and engaging branding messages. However, as marketers get involved, those who have invested their time and passion to build… Continue reading Discovering the Balance: Social Media and Marketing

Social Networks & Privacy

Facebook, the social networking site for college students has made some updates to their system this week, to dramatically mixed reviews. Facebook describes the change as:  “Before, it was an encyclopedia model, but now we’re changing to a news model.”  Basically, if you had a Facebook account, you can now see daily updates of activities… Continue reading Social Networks & Privacy

Changes to Digg

In order to prevent fraud, Digg is making some changes to how stories can be promoted on their Website.  “While we don’t disclose exactly how story promotion works (to prevent gaming the system), I can say that a key update is coming soon. This algorithm update will look at the unique digging diversity of the… Continue reading Changes to Digg

Innovation in Social Media

Facebook added some new features to its website. Some commentary on both sides. First the postive from Michael Arrington: “It’s interesting because Facebook clearly gets the idea of an attention metastream, where page views aren’t the currency that matters but rather how effectively the service allows users to communicate. Facebook users will now have a… Continue reading Innovation in Social Media

Collaborative Journalism, Take Two

Collaborative journalism seems to be taking steps forward online, thanks to wiki’s. One entrepreneur created a website and originally hired freelancers to create articles. However: “To his surprise he found that many of the entries generated by Internet users — free — were more informative than those written by freelancers.” Is this the same as… Continue reading Collaborative Journalism, Take Two

Writer, Editor & Big Media Authority Dwindling?

Teen magazines are dropping like flies in favor of online counterparts that offer more interaction. Some of the thoughts surrounding these moves: “You can’t just be a magazine editor sitting in your office. You can no longer dictate. It is a two-way street.” This is how sites like MySpace, once seen as unrelated to publishing,… Continue reading Writer, Editor & Big Media Authority Dwindling?

MySpace EverySpace

Some interesting news about MySpace, indicating its rapidly advancing market reach: MySpace to Sell Music From 3 Million Bands MySpace driving more retail traffic than MSN search MySpace is becoming yet another example of the value of building a huge audience first, by focusing on their needs, and then having opportunities to monetize later on.… Continue reading MySpace EverySpace

Digg 101

A great compilation of Digg facts from Valleywag.