Robert Scoble has a long rant on public relations, and how bloggers have changed the way stories break, and whether A-list journalists should get the scoop first: “The thing is people in the new word-of-mouth network are figuring out it really doesn’t matter WHO you talk to first, as long as you talk with a… Continue reading Bloggers Top Journalists for Scoop
Category: journalists
Newspapers Look Online
There is no shortage of news to help newspaper executives lose sleep. From The Economist: “For most newspaper companies in the developed world, 2005 was miserable. They still earn almost all of their profits from print, which is in decline. As people look to the internet for news and young people turn away from papers,… Continue reading Newspapers Look Online
Sunday Wrap Up
Just clearing out some remaining news and commentary for the week: The Bivings Report surveys the top 100 newspapers’ use of online offerings. “Socialmeter… scans several major link-tracking sites and spits back an analysis of your URL’s popularity” Darren Rowse discusses why bloggers call it quits. A brief but interesting article on 5 Ways to… Continue reading Sunday Wrap Up
Value of Expert Opinions Dwindling
InformationWeek reviews a report from JupiterResearch that indicates Blogs, Wikis, Forums Sway Consumer Opinion. “The days of reading some review from an expert is dwindling because people want to obtain their information from other users,” Rogoway said. “If the social network is built around the topic, travel or cars for example, you can link to… Continue reading Value of Expert Opinions Dwindling
Journalists and Bloggers: Happily Ever After
Doc Searls has some interesting commentary on recent brouhaha between journalists and bloggers at the Santa-Barbara News Press. One great quote from Dr. Laura: “… now it is as though every errant thought should be embraced by the outside world as having greater significance than the burp it really is.” I think bloggers and journalists… Continue reading Journalists and Bloggers: Happily Ever After
Sunday Wrap Up
Just clearing out some remaining news and commentary for the week: Steve Rubel has a piece on Reinventing the Media Interview, where he states, “the media interview as we know it though is going through a radical transformation and it’s starting not with the reporters but with bloggers.” Mark Cuban discusses Responsible Journalism with regards… Continue reading Sunday Wrap Up
Journalism Schools Living in the Past?
Jeff Jarvis looks at how journalism schools are handling the Web in their curriculum in a piece titled As J-Schools Go… Reviewing some recent news about the Columbia School of Journalism, he asks: “If anyone should be trying to learn how to successfully and creatively take a print brand and product online, shouldn’t it be… Continue reading Journalism Schools Living in the Past?