David Lazarus of the San Francisco Chronicle defends the value of journalism in a “we have blogs, who needs journalists” world.
“…the simple fact is that newspapers do the digging that most bloggers do not. The blogosphere — a silly term coined by bloggers to legitimize their posturing — is comprised by and large of people whose work consists of commenting on the work of others.”
Michael Arrington shares his perspective as a blogger:
“Most print journalists are 9-5 types, and many are union can’t easily be fired. That makes them lazy… [Journalists] must never write an incorrect sentence. So instead of figuring out the truth, they will usually just write a noncommittal sentence.”
Former Reuters editor-in-chief Geert Linnebank thinks has other ideas for the future of journalism:
“To remain relevant, the role of editors has to change from someone who uses a megaphone to someone that brings people to the table.”